In the war for top talent, executives are joining companies and finding the culture, role or resources are different to what has been promised.
We have found that structured coaching programmes for a minimum of 6 months to support internal on-boarding processes yield significant results. When given a fellow professional to talk through plans, assess and monitor behaviors which display under pressure and maximise strengths in a short window where leadership perception is formed means they will ultimately achieve strategic objectives quickly and more effectively. For the relatively small investment needed to retain the person you've chosen to join your organisation, why wouldn't you help them to be successful?
Nearly all (90 percent) of executives polled in a recent survey say that retention of new hires is an issue in their organization and between 10 percent to 25 percent of new hires leave within the first 6 months. The top reason new recruits leave, according to the survey, is their role is different from what they expected it would be during the hiring process. Nearly one-fifth (19 percent) of respondents say new hires leave because they don’t like the company’s culture.
Nearly all the respondents (98 percent) say on boarding programs are a key factor in retention efforts, and nearly a quarter (23 percent) say the programs last only one day, and approximately one-third (30 percent) say they only last a week.
Let us know what your needs are and we’ll do our best to help find a solution.